A German Proficiency Test is an internationally-based exam that checks an individual’s fluency in the German Language. This test is designed for people whose mother tongue is not German.
Types of Proficiency tests in India
1) Zertifikat Deutsch:
The ZD exam is a German Federal Government recognized exam, which checks mostly the fluency with which a person speaks the German Language.
2) TestDaf Exam:
TestDaf is an exam that tests the future applicants of German Universities. They check if the student is fluent enough in the German Language to understand the lectures. Many German Universities prefer to teach in their mother tongue, which helps the universities understand the capabilities of individual students.
3) TELC GmbH- The European Language Certificate :
This exam tests an individual’s skills in German. They are also conducted by the Federal Government of Germany. The benefit of choosing this test over others is that it allows everyone to select the class for their test.
4) ÖSD- German Language Certificate Austria :
OSD the examination is recognized by the Austrian Ministry. Therefore, by appearing for the OSD exam, the person will successfully have a recognized certificate from the Austrian Ministry, which will name Germany as a foreign and the second language of that person.
5) ÖIF- Australian Integration Fund:
The OIF exam tests mostly the skills of the immigrants or aspiring immigrants in the German Language. This is among the simpler exams as it tests the basics of the language, mostly till the A1 Level.
All The above-mentioned exams are conducted in various Indian Institutes and centers. The i-Pro Edu Nashik is one such center that provides training for these German Language Proficiency Exams. You can visit our Website for further details about the courses.